It's a very interesting composition, with plenty of ideas that work together almost seamlessly. Structure-wise it welcomes a wealth of changes and transitions that are quite well executed and the track flows pretty nicely, overall.
The mastering needs a bit more of work, in my opinion. I think that the snare sound doesn't pack much "punch" and some EQ to the bass/mid frequencies could help improving the oomph the drums should have, especially if we're talking dubstep, a notoriously loud style of electronic music.
While the dynamics feel sort of tight and crisp, I think the orchestra should feel a little less trebly and more dense on the mid frequencies -- just enough to allow some little reverb to take place and let them feel more spacey and present. The lo-fi piano is a welcomed introduction, and it is in fact, quite original in terms of sound, not the composition itself.
It's a nice track overall, and I give you props for experimenting with different sound and atmospheres and ultimately for your effort to keep things interesting and enjoyable.