This is pretty enjoyable, actually!
For the peaking issue, there are a number of ways to prevent digital distortion.
- The quick and dirty way is to chain a compressor or a limiter to the tracks you want to keep in check and set it to -0.1dB threshold. It's *just* enough to avoid clipping.
- The long and more satisfying route, IMHO, is to do some mixing work first, and then, after making sure the master track doesn't peak, compress/boost. I don't recommend normalizing your track soon after exporting it if it's already peaking, because that distortion carries to any volume level. Bass and drums tend to be the loudest elements in most mixes, so make sure to level-adjust and EQ them accordingly.
Hope this is helpful, and I think the track itself is pretty nice! It's melodic, laid-back, and quirky. Keep it up. 💪