Hello folks,
I've been thinking about renewing the pricing policy of my Bandcamp releases in order to better value my works and at the same time not feel totally unfair to those people who downloaded everything for free.
So I thought that putting up a poll and letting you people decide what is best for everyone's pockets, would be in my opinion quite fair and democratic.
How would you like Forgotten Dawn releases to be priced?
1. Free singles - EPs and full albums starting from a base price which means that singles can be downloaded for free, while everything else could start from i.e. 2 bucks and it's up to you whether to pay the price of 2 or add the amount you want.
2. Free singles - EPs and full albums at a fixed price (no name-your-price) which means that singles can still be downloaded for free, while everything else will be available at a fixed price. Pretty much standard policy.
3. Everything's free! Yay! Donations available which means that the current policy would remain unchanged.
You may cast your vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/3383512
Why aren't there more options available? Because I still have to consider Bandcamp's own limitations in this respect.