Hey folks, quite the rough year 2013 has been.
To think that I've started this channel in February '13, I feel like I have accomplished a lot here in a relatively short time, thanks to a wonderful audience and a support I honestly didn't expect to receive. I consider the coming year as another challenge: one that will be full of intense feelings and commitments, one that will surely teach something, one that in itself will add another page to this strange journey called life.
Forgotten Dawn will continue to release material and collaborative efforts with fellow partners that have been very supportive and active, each in their own field. I don't usually set deadlines or release dates unless I'm completely sure they will be fulfilled, and the announced "fifteen" album is still in development, as well as other works I will announce in due time.
Special thanks to all my virtual brothers, new and long lasting, as we shared experiences we'll never forget not even in two lifetimes and I'm sure it's just the beginning as in fact is. Many thanks to the people here on Newgrounds for the opportunities that have been granted to me and the time they spent listening to my own tracks -- their critique, their appreciation, their genuine admiration, or anything else that have contributed in making this channel more memorable.
So long, 2013.