Hey folks, it's been a while.
I just withdrew from the NGADM contest due to difficulties in life and work. Still a great result, in my opinion, since I made it through the top 16 among +200 submissions, initially. So hopefully I'll be able to catch onto other opportunities around the web.
I'm still planning to release a Bandcamp-only album when it will be done, and it will appear only on Youtube for streaming. I'm going to keep albums and full releases exclusive to Bandcamp since their songs will likely be part of a larger concept. So what will happen to the tracks that aren't album-related? Nothing, except what has already been done.
Speaking of concepts, there are other things in store for you that are not solely related to music, but I'm taking my time to polish things a little bit before announcing them officially here.
What else to say, thank you for your support, stay tuned and hopefully you'll see more stuff coming out in a near future.
Real life's been keeping you busy, huh? Sorry to hear you're not participating in the NGADM anymore :\
Indeed. It's a very uncertain future here and surely not the brightest. I can only hold on to my dreams and do what I can to survive until the situation hopefully gets better for me.